electronica Embedded Platforms Conference, November 16, 2022 - Munich

Cesanta is presenting a technical talk @ electronica Embedded Platforms Conference in Munich.

Come to our talk at 10:30am, November 16th, 2022 as part of the Communication & Wireless session.

Topic:HTTP server implementation on a microcontroller using different frameworks and libraries, performance benchmark and analysis


In this talk, we take an example microcontroller board, an Ethernet enabled STM32 Nucleo-F429ZI, and create a simple networking application, and HTTP embedded HTTP server on it using different frameworks:
- Cube + FreeRTOS + lwIP (sockets API)

- Cube + FreeRTOS + lwIP (raw API)

- Zephyr RTOS

- Keil + RTX


- Mongoose Library, bare metal

Those different solutions we test with a simple benchmark tool, and compare the results, which show a vast difference in terms of number of requests per second, and average time a single request takes.
We provide a deep analysis of the data flow, starting from a physical wire - up the software stack and back, explaining potential bottlenecks and how they affect the observed results. It gives a better insight for developers on what solution to choose for their products, their pluses and minuses.