Join us on May 28th, 2024 @ 10.00 GMT+1 and May 29th, 2024 @ 17.00 GMT+1.

Are you interested in learning how to implement Web UI device dashboard and RESTful API on Infineon XMC7000? Then you don't want to miss this joint weninar with Infineon Technologies!

Register today to learn:

πŸ€“ How to implement a Web UI and RESTful API on Infineon XMC7000 microcontroller

πŸ’» How to create Web UI from the ready-to-go open source templates for pages like: login, dashboard and more

πŸ¦Έβ€β™‚οΈ How to address common pitfalls and issues, such as properly handling SSL/TLS and determining if your device has enough RAM for networking

Learn more and register on: