Dublin, August 29th, 2022 — Cesanta today announced release of Mongoose Embedded Web Server Library v.7.8.
This is a bugfix and cleanup release. A significant number of small issues were fixed, some documentation and examples improved. Among them:
- Introduced c->is_resp flag for the server-side HTTP connections, for correctly handling pipelined requests that can span several event handler invocations
- Reduced default MG_HTTP_MAX_HEADERS from 40 to 30 to reduce embedded stack usage
- Added server and client native JSON-RPC support, see https://mongoose.ws/documentation/#rpc
- Enhanced example/device-dashboard to show real time graph, MQTT communication and user authentication
- Added a large number of new tutorials and enhanced existing ones: https://mongoose.ws/tutorials/
- Added an ability to specify MG_ARCH in mongoose_custom.h
- Introduced mg_*xprintf formatting functions, https://mongoose.ws/documentation/#mg_xprintf-mg_vxprintf
- Changed logging to use mg_pfn_t primitive
- Added tests for large WS frames
- Added unit tests for auto-gzipped static content
- Enhanced SNTP time calculation, made it more accurate
- Refactored MG_EV_HTTP_CHUNK handling, made it more robust and resilient
- Added epoll support for linux targets
- Changed mg_log_set(level) : debug level is now an int, not const char *
- Made fixes for poll() support, added poll() support for Windows, made it default to avoid FD_SETSIZE restrictions
- Added initial support for RP2040
- Exported MQTT result code definitions
- Added MQTT5 support
- Added native JSON API. Now external JSON libraries are not required: https://mongoose.ws/documentation/#json
- Enhancements to the MIP TCP/IP stack. The bare metal nucleo-f746 example works with device dashboard: HTTP UI, MQTT, Websocket
- Added examples/uart-bridge, examples/sntp-time-sync, and many others
- Added automatic PUBACK responses for MQTT qos > 0
- Added mg_ws_printf()
- Implemented automatic pre-compressed .gz handling for static files
- Added mg_http_serve_opts::page404 for custom 404 handling
- Added udp/tcp flag for mg_mkpipe()
To contact: send us a message or ask on the developer forum.